At Congregation Beth Shalom, rich learning programs for all ages are thoughtfully designed to meet the needs of our community members.
Education for Children and Teens
Neshama Education Program
"The heart and soul of Jewish learning"
pre-k through 12th grade
2024-2025 Calendar
A little about our program
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The Neshama education program is committed to Jewish learning that is relevant, inspirational and transformative. We provide our students and their families with the tools to participate meaningfully in the Jewish community, with pride in their Jewish heritage and with the awareness that their actions will shape the future of the Jewish people.
Our Program
Focuses on upbeat teachings to provide a heart-based understanding of Judaism in a fun environment
Relies on active learning principles that utilize discussion, movement, team projects, family, art, music and more
Groups children across an age continuum to allow for peer learning and development of diverse friendships
Provides opportunities for children and teens to practice tikkun olam and to expand their learning by exploring the community at large
Engages the whole family as means to build a strong congregational community for children
Offers Hebrew language learning in a flexible, personalized format such as online and onsite tutoring session